Meeting of the Scientific Council of the "OPENS" project

Dear colleagues, members of the working group of the Central Research Center "OPENS"!

I invite you on 18.09.24 at 11:00 a.m. to a meeting of the Working Group of the OPENS project in ZOOM format (if there is no electricity, it is possible to move the meeting to the Presidium) with the following agenda:

  • Report of KAU and ITF Bogolyubov on the status of work on obtaining test access to the DataCite interface and obtaining full access with the provision of DOI for data and preprints (speakers - Svistunov, Shadura).
  • IPS report on the progress of works related to joining foreign open access repositories and dynamic export of metadata there (speakers - Novytskyi, Reznichenko).
  • Discussion of the draft procedure for the preparation of regulations (attached) (speaker - Kapitsa).
  • Discussion of the algorithm for placing preprints in the Preprint Archive (speaker - Tulchynskyi).
  • Announcement of the plan to write a joint article based on the results of the OPENS project (speaker - Tulchynskyi).

5-7 minutes are planned for each report, but the time for discussion on some issues can be up to 20 minutes. Together we hope to fit in 2 hours.

If there are any questions on the agenda, please contact Vadym Tulchynskyi